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“The Chin Family Money Management Idioms” animation series

“The Chin Family Money Management Idioms” animation series

Revolving around the everyday lives of The Chin Family, the stories introduce basic money knowledge through some classic Chinese idioms, to help children develop good money management habits.

Episode 1: Make the most out of what you have

Episode 1: Make the most out of what you have

Guess who is the thriftiest member in The Chin Family?

Episode 2: Words are empty without action

Episode 2: Words are empty without action

Can Junior Chin put his expense tracking knowledge into practice?

Episode 2: Words are empty without action

Episode 3: Think twice before we act

Guess what happened to Junior & Princess Chin for not making thoughtful purchases?

Episode 2: Words are empty without action

Episode 4: Make hay while the sun shines

How can Princess Chin make her mom feel so sweet?