Tips on keeping your finances in good shape

Financial tips

Author: Mrs Chin24/06/2020

Every woman wants to keep fit physically, and I am no exception. By staying healthy and fit, I have more energy and focus to manage all kinds of household matters. Also it wouldn't hurt to maintain the enviable physique that I had when I was in college (wink).

Of course, keeping financially fitness is just as important. I would like to share six simple and easy tips on how we can do so.

1. Start saving early

Savings is the foundation for financial health. The earlier you start, the more time you have to grow your wealth, and the sooner you can achieve your financial goals! Develop your savings plan with the Savings Goal Calculator  and start working towards your goal now.

2. Get sufficient protection

With so many insurance products available in the market, you must understand your needs and compare the different offerings before picking the most suitable one. You also need to pay attention to the terms and conditions and coverage of the plan. The Life Protection Coverage Calculator can help you determine the life insurance coverage you need.

3. Invest rationally

Investing is a good way to grow your wealth and guard against inflation. However, the ever-changing market means that you must always stay rational and prudent, and do your own research rather than follow rumours and speculate. Before making any investment decisions, understand your risk profile and tolerance, expected return and dividend, investment horizon and liquidity. Check out the Investor Portal and be a smart investor.

4. Borrow responsibly

It is easy to get a loan in Hong Kong, but you should always think twice before applying for one. Do you really need the money? Can you make the repayments? After taking out a loan, be sure to manage your debt carefully and address any debt issues promptly before it escalates.

The Borrowing and Debt Calculator helps you work out the total repayments, payback period and cost of a loan, allowing you to compare different loan products.

5. Plan your retirement

Hong Kong people tend to have a longer life expectancy now, and may enjoy decades-long retirement life. How much retirement savings do you need? Retirement planning is a long-term process. Plan well ahead when you are young and manage, protect and invest your assets wisely in retirement.

The Retirement Planner is a useful tool in developing your retirement budget.

6. Make an estate plan

Everyone has an estate, no matter how big or small. Yet you won’t be able to manage your assets upon death or loss of mental capacity. Therefore you should make early arrangements to entrust someone dependable to handle your money matters.

Read the online article “Money matters in life and death”.


These six ways to financial fitness are easy to follow.  Want to test your financial fitness? Play our online mini games now.