Without a doubt, we all want the best for our children and there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to raising a child. What we do need to bear in mind though, is to find ways to better budget our money when enrolling our kids to for summer courses or extracurricular activities, whilst making sure they are meaningful, enjoyable and that the family budget is not being stretched.
1. Work out what your child wants
Parents may often register their kids for classes that they think would make their school applications look good or sign up for multiple courses to make the most of their schedule. Yet if these courses are not something the child enjoys, they may lose interest, end up being stressed or even plead to quit, causing tension in the family. And if you do dropout of the course, all the time and money spent will be wasted.
As a part of your extracurricular activity planning, it is important to have an open conversation with your child to understand where their interests lie. Also check in on them from time to time to see how they are doing and whether adjustments are needed.
2. Shop around
After figuring out what your child is interested in, parents can shop around to see what courses are available. While the reputation of the organisation running interest classes is important, also look for those in your neighbourhood or nearby so you don’t end up spending too much time on the road. Commuting great distance can be quite tiring for you and your child. Community centres, NGOs and schools also offer a range of extra-curricular activities at affordable prices, so be sure to keep your eyes open for different options.
3. Track your expenses
With the abundance of summer or interest class choices, it is easy to get carried away and we may want to sign up as many classes as possible. But in reality, most of us do have a budget to stick to so it is important to keep track of your expenses and spend within means. Make use of the IFEC Money Tracker or Budget Planner to budget wisely.
Extracurricular activities are just one of the many things children can do in their spare time. Play time is just as important for their creativity and social skills development. So while you have different classes for your young ones, be sure to schedule some “free” time for them to hang out at your local parks with other kids in the neighbourhood, or just relax at home.