Financial Education Champion 2020 award scheme now open for application

Hong Kong has witnessed an increasing and diverse range of Financial Education (FE) initiatives. The IFEC introduced the "Financial Education Champion" (FEC) award scheme to encourage and mobilise stakeholders across various sectors to help enhance FE. These include funding and organising FE initiatives; producing and disseminating educational materials, etc on a complimentary or non-profit making basis to help the public from various demographic groups make well-informed financial decisions.


Organisations that become Financial Literacy Strategy Supporting Organisations on or before 30 June 2019 are welcome to submit applications. The deadline for submission is 15 July 2019. Application form can be downloaded at

In the second year of the FEC, the IFEC has introduced two new award categories:


    • Financial Education Champion- Quality Award (FEC-Q)

In order to further recognise organisations in providing FE initiatives and raise the quality of FE in Hong Kong, the FEC-Q is introduced. The application should be able to provide evidence that evaluation has been conducted to assess the effectiveness of the FE initiative. Additional judging criteria of FEC-Q include success measures, evaluation design, evaluation findings and on-going monitoring.


    • Financial Education Champion- Insurance Award (FEC-I)

In collaboration with the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI), the finalists of the Outstanding Financial Education Award of the Hong Kong Insurance Awards (HKIA) will receive the FEC-I awarded by the IFEC, except those organisations that have already been awarded FEC 2019 with the same FE initiative. Please refer to the HKIA website for enrolment details.


If your organisations have contributed to FE during the period from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019, please act now to submit your FEC application.