Investor and Financial Education Award

The IFEC strives to encourage stakeholders to offer investor and financial education to the people in Hong Kong with the aim of enhancing their financial literacy. By empowering individuals with improved financial literacy, they will be better equipped to manage their finances, leading to improved financial wellbeing.

IFEA 2024 – Call for Application

Investor and Financial Education Award


The IFEC organises the “Investor and Financial Education Award” (IFEA) which aims to:

Award Categories

The IFEA offers awards to recognise the contributions made by stakeholders from different sectors in improving the financial literacy of the people in Hong Kong:


Applications will be reviewed and awardees will be selected unanimously by the respective Assessment Committees, comprising of government representatives, IFEC Board members and industry experts.


The IFEA 2024 is now inviting applications from eligible organisations and individuals for their investor and financial education projects. These projects should have been launched or completed in the period from 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024 and offered to the people in Hong Kong for free.

For more details of the eligibility requirements and application process, please refer to the Application Guide.

Please complete the Application Form and email to and mark “Investor and Financial Education Award 2024 Submission” in the email subject.

Key dates

Application deadline: 16 September 2024

Results announcement and award presentation ceremony: March 2025

For any enquiries, please email to

Announcement in the past

IFEA 2023 result announcement

IFEA 2022 result announcement

IFEA 2021 result announcement


Note: The Financial Education Champion and Teaching Award for Business and Financial Education have been incorporated into IFEA since 2021. Details of these awards can be found on the following pages: