IEC launches free investor education seminars on Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
03 September 2014
The Investor Education Centre (IEC) today announced free public education seminars to help investors better understand the key features and associated risks of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect pilot programme.
In collaboration with the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, the IEC has organised seminars from September 2014 on a wide variety of topics on Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. These include an overview of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, key differences between trading Hong Kong stocks and A-shares through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, characteristics and risks of the Mainland equity market and points for retail investors to note in relation to rules and regulations of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and investor protection.
Mr David Kneebone, General Manager of the IEC, said: "The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is a pilot programme which aims to establish mutual stock market access between Hong Kong and mainland China. While the programme brings new investment opportunities, it is important for investors to also understand the distinct differences of both stock markets, major risks as well as some restrictions - particularly those restrictions that apply to this programme - before they make any investments."
"We hope the seminar will help investors better understand the operation and risks of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme, and we will explore the potential for more Stock Connect seminars if the demand is high," he added.
The first seminar, to be held on 22 September, is now open for public enrolment. Interested parties may visit the IEC website for registration details. The dates for subsequent seminars will be posted on after the attendee limit for the 22 September event is reached.
With the imminent launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, the IEC will set up a dedicated sitelet on and develop education videos to further provide information and support to enable investors to make informed decisions. In July 2014, the IEC published an article Getting to know Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the Mainland stock market to provide investors with the overview of the programme.