Where to look for the information?
You are advised to fully understand the product features and risks involved before making an investment decision. You can access the information of leveraged and inverse products (L&I Products) via the following websites.
The SFC website and HKEX website
The SFC website maintains a repository of L&I Products under the “List of Investment Products” section, where you can find information about L&I Products such as the name, the issuer and the authorization date. The offering documents (including the product key facts statement (KFS)) containing the essential information of L&I Products can be accessed via the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd (HKEX).
The L&I Product website
Each L&I product is required to maintain a website to provide investors with product and trading information.
- You can find the offering documents, financial statements, notices and announcements and trading information on the L&I Product’s website. Some of these materials can also be found on the HKEX website.
- A performance simulator that allows investors to select a historical time period and simulate the performance of the L&I Product during that period based on historical data.