Stakeholder support is key

Hong Kong Money Month

Stakeholders play an important role in helping to raise awareness of the importance of financial education among the general public and specific target groups. By providing more opportunities to pick up financial skills, you can be part of our growing group of Financial Literacy Strategy supporting organisations to contribute to our mission.

There are many ways your organisation can support us. For example:

  • Organise financial education initiatives for Money Month
  • Schedule your planned activities to March 2024
  • Provide monetary support, venue and/or manpower etc
  • Motivate people in your network to participate in Money Month activities
  • Promote Money Month through your network with resources

Money Month supporters

Getting involved

Know more about how to get involved in Hong Kong Money Month.



To facilitate the organisations to get involved in Money Month by running and/or promoting events, we have designed these free promotion materials for use. You are welcome to share with us your plan and activities at